Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Not sure

I'm not sure what I intended this blog to be when I started it, but I knew that I wanted it, hard. So I made it and then forgot about it for 8 months or so. As i look at my life today, I find myself still in the position of being not sure.

I'm not sure what I'm doing in this lobby, doing my homework. Does this actually matter or am I just sucking on a silver spoon as Mommy and Daddy fork over so much cash for me to write papers on belladonna because it sounds cool?

I'm not sure whereIi fit in the social strata up here, where no one seems to really understand what I am saying or really want to.

I'm not sure what to do about that boy that I at least wanna be friends with, but am not sure if my intentions are pure enough to pursue him. Because in the scheme of things, i want to marry hima dn have lots and lots of nerdy babies. But, I don't wanna be that girl who becomes friends with a guy just to become his girlfriend. Because that never works out and someone ends up feeling worthless which is exactly the opposite of what I want to do.

I'm not sure what/how all my old friends are doing, because they aren't here and I'm not there. Will I be able to look them in the eye when I see them next and honestly sat i'm still the person they became friends with in the first place, or have i changed too much? And if i have changed too much, is that a bad thing?

I'm not sure how to handle the guy that clearly digs me, and i just wanna be friends still. I don't wanna be "that" girl.

I'm not sure if i want to get out of bed tommorow, I;m not sure if i want to continue here next semester, I'm not sure if i want to continue here next week, but I'm not sure i want to quit.

I'm not sure if I even want to post this.

Though I am sure I want Ben to grow a Hitlerstache